Sir Kim Darroch didn’t give me the answer I was expecting.
It was October 2016 and Darroch, then the British ambassador to the U.S., was in town for the presidential debate at Washington University between Republican Donald Trump and Democrat Hillary Clinton. Darroch met with me briefly at the Missouri History Museum before the debate.
A self-described “American political geek,†this would be the second of the presidential debates Darroch had attended that campaign. After his nation’s “Brexit†vote to separate from the European Union, I was expecting he would make a comparison between that movement and the Trump phenomenon that would sweep the trash-talking billionaire into the White House.
Darroch would have none of it.
“The similarity is overstated,†he said. As Americans were reacting to an insult-laden campaign by Trump that was completely different than other presidential races, Darroch was unfazed.
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“British politics is a lively business,†he said. “It can be quite rowdy.â€
Darroch this week after the British press leaked secret cables he had sent his superiors questioning Trump’s fitness for office. Darroch called the American president “inept†and “insecure,†two opinions quite well supported by the record. Trump, of course, responded with his own public insults, and said he would no longer work with Darroch.
This is what passes for political discourse in the Age of Trump.
Criticize the president and you’re likely to end up with tire tracks on your back. This phenomenon, which is infecting even the most local of politics, is what made what happened Tuesday in the Missouri Capitol so important.
On the same day that Darroch was resigning in Washington, Missouri Gov. Mike Parson was signing a series of criminal justice reform bills that had support from a wide spectrum of political interests. There was the Republican governor surrounded by Republicans and Democrats, black and white, as he signed a bill that ended the practice of jailing poor defendants because they couldn’t afford their bills for previous stints in jail; another one that reduced minimum sentences; and a bill that made it possible for some inmates to be released on parole.
In a small way, Trump had an effect on those bills. Just by saying that he is in favor of criminal justice reform — whether he understands the issues, or actually cares about them, or not — the president gave permission for some of his followers to care, too. And they have.
After Parson signed the criminal justice reform bills, groups from the left and the right praised the action. There was left-leaning Empower Missouri, the ACLU, the Missouri Catholic Conference and the Koch Brothers-funded Americans For Prosperity, all cheering for changes that recognized that the U.S. Constitution applies to all Americans, even those who are accused of crimes.
For the past year and a half, as I have increasingly focused my work on the area of criminal justice reform, this wholehearted bipartisanship has given me an ounce of hope in what feels like the most divided political era in my lifetime. It is one area of public policy debate today — not the only one, but perhaps the most significant one — in which left and right often come together based on the fundamental premise that civil rights are worth protecting for all Americans.
As I’ve traveled the state writing about people abused by a system that amounted to modern-day debtors prisons, I’d frequently get supportive emails from readers that started something like this:
“Normally I think you’re an idiot, but …â€
To this day, I suspect that people who self-identify as conservatives or liberals have come to the criminal justice reform issue from different perspectives. For some it’s a budget issue: Counties and states can no longer afford increasing jail and prison costs. For others it’s about the tyranny of a government system that constantly shakes down poor people for their milk money. And for some, it’s the simple indignity of continuing to jail poor people on petty offenses and keeping them there because they can’t afford to buy their freedom.
For Rep. Bruce DeGroot, R-Chesterfield, it’s all of the above. DeGroot was the sponsor of House Bill 192, which combined with the landmark Missouri Supreme Court ruling on the same issue should end the practice of jailing people who can’t afford to pay court costs in Missouri.
It’s an issue that traces its roots to Darroch’s home country, where in 1215, British citizens sought to limit the powers of a tyrannical monarchy. One sentence in particular in the Magna Carta sought to make sure all had access to justice, even the poor. “We will not sell, or deny, or delay right or justice to anyone,†reads clause 40.
When DeGroot called me last year to talk about the ongoing sale of justice in Missouri, I was skeptical. DeGroot and I agree on very little, politically. I had written about him before, and not in a very positive light.
But we met. We talked. We found common ground. DeGroot found a Democratic co-sponsor in state Rep. Mark Ellebracht of Liberty, even though in the Republican-controlled Legislature, he didn’t really need one.
At its core, this is what the American political system is — or was — about. It doesn’t seem that way much these days, either in ÁñÁ«ÊÓƵ or the nation’s capital, but there are slivers of hope that suggest there is light at the end of our current political tunnel of despair.
Jailed for being poor is Missouri epidemic: A series of columns from Tony Messenger
Tony Messenger has written about Missouri cases where people were charged for their time in jail or on probation, then owe more money than their fines or court costs.Â
The Pulitzer Prize board considered these columns when it decided to award the prize for commentary to metro columnist Tony Messenger.Â
In a twist of irony, one judge no longer calls them “payment review hearings.†Instead, he’s even more direct. Now they are called “debt colle…
“The jail is emptying out. People that do come in are able to bond out quickly. None of the girls here are being held for financial reasons. T…
In a case of civil contempt — such as when a judge jails a reporter for not revealing a source, or an attorney for failing to follow an order …
Even with the state’s top court making progress in eradicating the practice of putting people in jail because they can’t afford to be in jail,…
“There are a pile of cases where people owe us money,†the judge told the defendant, a painter, who said he was having a hard time finding wor…
No longer, the court said in one voice, can judges in Missouri threaten indigent defendants with jail time for their inability to be able to a…
Disparate treatment of people charged with crimes offers a glimpse into a fundamental problem in the application of criminal justice in Missou…
Weiss wants the Legislature to make it illegal for counties to charge defendants for their time behind bars.
“How can they cancel a court date then issue a warrant without even telling you the new court date?†Sharp wonders.
His bill would stop the practice in ÁñÁ«ÊÓƵ of state police agencies avoiding state jurisdiction by seeking asset forfeiture under guise of f…
"He sat in jail because he was poor," public defender Matthew Mueller said of his client.
The two defendants are Exhibits A and B of why Missouri has become the front line in a national war on poverty and the courts.
She knows what she did was wrong. She knows she should have been punished.
“It's been a hard road,†she told me recently. “Really hard.â€
For decades, Missouri’s corrections budget has been rising. So has its prison population, with a “tough on crime†philosophy filling prisons w…
“We’re hamstringing the very people who we want to go out and get a job,†Lummus says. “It’s self-defeating.â€
In his regular appearance on the McGraw Milhaven show on KTRS radio, Metro columnist Tony Messenger discusses his ongoing debtors' prison series.
He did his time. Then he got the bill: $3,150 for his stay behind bars.
A year-end update on some of the cases Tony Messenger wrote about during 2018.
The primary difference between the poor people who have been “terrorized†in Edmundson or Jennings or Ferguson, compared with those in Salem a…
The Court of Appeals in the Western District of Missouri determined that the practice of using the courts to try to collect board bills is ill…
Some counties in Missouri don't charge board bills. Those include the most urban counties in the state: both the city and county of St. Louis,…
I did my time and then some. This is how they get people. They keep them on probation and then if they don't pay their board bill they violate…
By 2009, Rapp was behind in her payments and the court revoked her probation. She did a couple of days in jail and her cash bond of $400 was a…
Every week in Missouri, a judge somewhere holds a crowded docket to collect room and board from people who were recently in jail. The judges c…
“I don’t see why he has to keep going to court every month,†she says. Sharon uses her Social Security income to try to keep him out of jail. …
Because Precious Jones was late to jail, prosecutor and judge seek to add to her sentence.
The Missouri Supreme Court and Missouri Legislature should revisit their 2015 and 2016 efforts to reform courts. More work is necessary.
Other than now being required to meet federal standards for that drug testing, private probation companies face nearly no oversight in Missour…
“I messed up on probation,†he says. “It was my fault.†Still, he doesn’t think it makes sense that he’s still hauled to court once a month wi…
Murr owed Dent County about $4,000 for her “board bill†for the 95 days she had been jailed.
The domestic violence victim, Gaddis says, wouldn’t make a report to police because she feared going to jail herself and losing her child.Â
“They make you jump through hoops,†Bote says, “and then they keep moving the hoops higher.â€
William Everts stole from a church. Almost immediately, he knew it was a bad idea.
Bergen has the sort of back story that would inspire one of the movies or television episodes based in the Ozarks that seem to be all the rage…
Clark ended up spending 495 days in county jail awaiting a trial that still hasn’t come.
Pritchett first called me last year, after I wrote about a St. Francois County woman who was sent to prison for failing to pay court costs. He…
Rob Hopple had been in jail since May after falling behind on payments on an ankle bracelet. Court dates kept coming and going, with the prose…
The bills are that high because the two criminal defendants couldn’t afford to pay for an initial sentence behind bars for relatively minor of…
“The practical reality is that people are being arrested for being poor,†Mueller says. “And there’s nothing they can do about it. They just s…
At least twice in recent years, the Missouri Supreme Court has overturned harsh sentences issued by a judge after she sent people to prison so…
Branson, in early 2018, was in Desloge, Mo., now, living with her 15-year-old son, checking in with her parole officer, hoping never to go bac…
Officially, Victoria Branson’s probation was revoked because she never paid the state the past due support and the court costs, which rang up …