St. Louis Mayor Lyda Krewson announced Friday that the city has selected of the Boston area to develop the city's economic development strategy.
The St. Louis Economic Development Corporation, the city's economic development arm, issued a request for proposals in June to develop a comprehensive plan. SLDC Director Otis Williams said the contract approved Friday is for up to $700,000 and the work could take about a year.Â
The city has been without an updated comprehensive development plan for decades, and critics say the city really has 28 different economic development strategies — one for each alderman.Â
A 2016 report on the city’s incentive use called for the creation of a comprehensive strategy, yet the city has struggled to find the money to develop one until this year.
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Mass Economics is led by Teresa M. Lynch and some members of its team have worked on the Chouteau Greenway project, Williams said.Â
One of the goals of the plan is to create one guiding development philosophy and to identify nodes of concentrated strength or future opportunity that the city can build off of.