Details for LINK AUCTION GALLERIES - Ad from 2025-02-02

February Gallery Auction f r i d a y , f e b r u a r y 7th at 10 am s a t u r d a y , f e b r u a r y 8th at 10 am A Philip and Kelvin Laverne Chan No. 140 Coffee Table, 47 1/2 x 23 1/2 x 17 inches friday session featuring 129 lots of fine jewelry and couture to include tiffany, chanel, louis vuitton, pucci, valentino, oscar de la renta, a large selection of gold bracelets and earrings, precious and semi-precious stones, and southwest silver saturday session featuring tiffany flatware, meissen, daum, baccarat, mintons, russian icons, old master to contemporary paintings, mcm furnishings to include eames, laverne, knoll, noguchi, and hans wegner, contemporary prints by gene davis, soulages, hodgkin, appel, dine, rosenquist, and johns, inuit woodcuts, bronze sculpture, asian decorative art, antique furniture and handwoven rugs Preview Opens Sunday f e b 2 , 12 pm- 4 pm c o n t i n u i n g f e b 3 —f e b 6 , 10 am- 5 pm p r e v i e w p a r t y f e b 6 , 5 pm- 7 pm Link Staff Will Facilitate Absentee and Telephone Bidding 50 0 0 washington pl ace saint louis ¦ missouri contact us at 3 1 4 4 5 4 - 6 5 2 5 Jasper Johns, Untitled (Blue), 1982 (U.L.A.E. 226), etching in colors, Tiffany & Co. 18kt. Rare Yellow on BFK Rives paper, ed. 41/77, 34 x 24 1/2 in. Gold Hinged Cuff Bracelet, 99.44 g Continental School, 17th Century or earlier, Portrait of a Woman, 10 x 7 3/4 inches catalogue available and online—bid online with Invaluable and LiveAuctioneers w w w. li n k au c t i o n g a lle r i e s .co m